I've just completed some new landscape paintings, a nice departure from my 'celebrity' series. I went digging through some old photos from my European travels and found some images of places that I enjoyed visiting while living in Paris. Makes me want to get on plane, rent a car and meander through the south of France once again. Anybody up for a painting adventure in France?
White Steeple, oil, 18"x18" (not exactly sure which village this is since I'm not a proficient note taker) and Villefranche-sur-Mer, oil, 28"x22" are new paintings which will be presented at the Ireland Gallery, 13 Old South Wharf, Nantucket, MA 02554
If you're interested in collecting these pieces, contact me before they ship to MA. and I'll get them to you.
Call me direct: 702 324 2193